Naxos was six days of loafing. We stayed in mikra vigla, in walking distance of three beaches, six tavernas, a small supermarket and not much else – but what else do you really need? (okay some people need a twenty-four techno beach party, but we’re not them). On day one we slept in late, had breakfast on our balcony, swam, sunbaked, ate, read and ate some more. That worked out pretty well, so we repeated much of the same on days two through six. The sunbaking part was something of a necessity in that on our first day on the beach we were so much paler than all the other people we almost felt we should apologise.

One day we managed to raise our energy levels and caught the bus to Naxos Town. The town is actually a small village, but after our isolationist state we felt like country mice venturing out to the big smoke. It was a lovely day trip, but we didn't mind when the time came for us to head back to resume our beach bum ways.

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