sarah and brendan's adventures in big old london town

Saturday, April 05, 2008

a bear walks into a bar

The bartender says, ‘What’ll you have?’
The bear says, ‘… … … I’ll have a beer’.
The bartender says, ‘Why the big paws?’

And so may you be wondering (or maybe not) why the big break in news. Well hopefully my excuse is a good one. Okay here goes: I’ve been preoccupied with the not insignificant task of growing a little person inside me. Yes I have a bun in the oven, am in the family way, eating for two, knocked up, or whatever your preferred euphemism may be. Pregnant! B and I will be expecting a visit from the stork towards the end of September.

What with trying not to throw up for the past couple of months or so, getting to the computer and thinking up a snappy entry has been a bit beyond me. Morning sickness is awful (and a complete false term: it lasts all day! The phrase was obviously thought up by a man: ‘Why, you can’t be feeling sick Mrs Smith - it’s a quarter past twelve!’) and coincided with what was already a really busy time. Although I was only working part time (again not what the terminology would have you believe - initially it felt like doing a full time job but in less hours and for less money) I was at school the other days plus doing a short course one or two nights per week and having to deal with homework (something I was naively not expecting). Luckily everything has settled down now. And although school means homework, on the plus side it also means school holidays, which I’ve been enjoying the past few weeks.

Although B and I are both the type who would prefer not to have to make the announcement until about a month or so before the baby is actually due, it’s getting hard to hide the reality of the situation. Unfortunately my desire for a ‘Rachel from Friends’-style pregnancy (i.e. no weight gain except for a slight bump in the tummy region) is not to be (damn misleading television) as I am expanding rapidly in all directions (except for vertically, alas) .

So, that's our big news and the next stage of our adventure. More updates as the story continues…