holiday home: week 2 highlights
included... catching up with old workmates in Springvale for a Vietnamese lunch ~ a final dinner at Michelle's place in Yarraville before she heads off to join us in London (yay!) ~
a few days enjoying the delights of Elwood from Trish, Paris and Hugo's place: the Point Cafe with B's folks, the Turtle Cafe, Jerry's Milk Bar and the Elwood Lounge with James & Narelle ~
~ dinner in the old 'hood with Paul and Elissa and new edition Charlie ~
~ Friday night catch up with old school friend Nicole and B's drinks in the city and Port Melbourne ~ A Saturday afternoon drive along the coast ~
~ followed by dinner with Margaret and Magnus (and the ever excitable Jasmine) ~
~ Sunday morning visit to the Dog Beach with dad ~ and afternoon tea with Deb and Sunny ~
~ meeting nephew Samuel and experiencing the whirlwind of all three little ones (plus everyone else) together in the same place at the same time for a Donovan family dinner (good practice for upcoming Christmas eve) ~