sarah and brendan's adventures in big old london town

Friday, January 19, 2007

Most people returning from an Australian holiday would be content bringing back a toy kangaroo and a couple of Caramello Koalas. But we thought: what better way to commemorate our trip than to bring back an actual Australian. And hence my friend Michelle is living with us at the moment.

London 'dossers' tend to have a bad reputation as freeloaders but Michelle is more than earning her place in our flat and the piddly foam cushions we can offer as a ‘bed’. In addition to her delightful company we are receiving new meals to try as well as an abundance of chocolate and cups of tea. Perhaps most importantly she’s providing the motivation to get out there and do more ‘London things’. To date we have visited Greenwich – home of Mean Time, the Prime Meridian and the Painted Hall, tried out some new restaurants (including the local Ethiopian where you use pancakes as cutlery) and last Sunday had afternoon tea at the Wolseley Hotel followed by a look at the window display at Fortnum and Mason. Also planned are West End shows, London walks and trips further afield.

I must admit though that I’m not on board with all of Michelle’s plans: namely her ‘Take a Photograph at Every Single Tube Stop’ plan.
‘What’s the point?’ I said.
‘There’s just too many of them’, I said.
‘What are you going to do with all the photos once you have them?’ I said.
But then I thought, ‘You could start a blog. A page per tube line. Updated weekly. Contextualising the whole thing. Making it worthwhile somehow. Instead of it being like when a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it fall…’
I’m not sure if she in convinced. But watch this space. A link just might follow.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

holiday home: week 3(+) highlights

Back in London now. Its 4:30pm, pitch black outside and these photos seem more like a lifetime away than a week. Highlights in our last and a bit week included…

Christmas shopping in the city with mum and seeing Melbourne through tourist eyes.

Dinner at the Freemans, where everyone is fed in style.

Italian at Geppetto’s East Melbourne with ex-Londoners Ben and Lisa

A ‘day off’ touring the old favourite haunts around Red Hill, Flinders and Sorrento

Boiling hot day in St Kilda featuring drinks with Laura and hanging out with Narelle and James

(who later checked out this little run around

Saturday morning coffee in Bentleigh with Michelle, another great sushi lunch and a drive to the Dandenongs.

And let's not forget... Christmas

And all too soon - it was time to go...