
I was up early the other morning (because it’s summer it gets light at about 5am yet because its London the weather feels little better than winter – o.k. end of whinge) when out of the corner of my eye I saw a creature on our balcony. It was a lovely little fox.
By the time I put down my breakfast and leapt for the camera it had run into the garden. Due to the low light the photos are terrible, but you can definitely make the fox out. We stared at each other for a little while before it skipped off (and I say ‘skipped’ because it had quite a spring in its step).

I am told that London has a large fox population and I wonder if all these foxes are historical foxes, i.e. the descendants of foxes who have always lived in the area and have adapted to the development that has gone on around them or if they are more like wilderness foxes who have moved to the city lured by easier pickings from the multitude of rubbish bins. But more importantly I wonder, would they make good pets?