the ducks fly south
So, it's time to go. Four and a half years. Way longer than i thought we would stay. Not that we really had a plan. Part of the attraction was to have new and unpredictable experiences. We'll miss it here.* London seems to exist in a state of constant excitement. We're taking away so much from our time here... not just our little duckling, way too much check-in luggage and the inability to hear the word 'zucchini' and not think 'courgette'.
I feel like a different person to the one that boarded a flight to Rome in May 2005. Now settling back into life in Melbourne will be the new adventure. Again there are many uncertainties and part of me would like to fast forward a year or so to when (hopefully, fingers crossed, oh my god, what are we doing with our lives?!) everything is sorted... but what would be the fun in that? So again, into the great unknown.
89 blog entries and time to say goodbye. Too many ducks in the park signing out.